

In Him our faith is perfect and complete

Monday, May 4, 2020

Categories: Newsletters

Comments: 2

The current situation with concerns about COVID-19, working and homeschooling from home and social distancing is changing the way we do life. For some, it has reconnected their families; for others it has been a time of loneliness or trauma; but for many it has been an opportunity to develop a deeper relationship with the Lord. It may be a while before we understand the long-term effects this will have on all of us.

One thing we have noticed at the Refuge is that many people are experiencing a tremendous amount of stress. They are asking, where is God? Has He forgotten me? How could He let this happen? Believe it or not, the Bible records those same questions by people like David in Psalm 13, or Jeremiah in Lamentations 3. Even Jesus, when He was dying on the cross cried out, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”

Often, from our limited human perspective, pain and suffering seem contrary to our idea of a Sovereign God who is good and loving. So, let me reassure you, God is present and in control of everything that is happening. He is Sovereign, despite our circumstances. He created all things and He controls all things, and He is transforming us into the very image of His Son. He is good and He
is loving.

Unfortunately, it takes trials and suffering to grow our faith and dependence on God. Scripture explains that persevering through the difficult times develops a mature and complete faith. And it causes us to be conformed into the likeness of Christ.

Fortunately, we do not worship a distant, unapproachable God. Instead, we worship a God who entered our world and knows what it is to suffer. Jesus truly understands suffering. He did not experience only one traumatic event during His time on earth. In fact, His whole life was full of suffering. He was born into poverty, in a country occupied by a very cruel army. He narrowly escaped a mass slaughtering of babies that was ordered because of His birth. He was persecuted because of His teachings, was thought insane by His family, betrayed by His own disciple, abandoned by His friends, falsely arrested, publicly humiliated, beaten almost to the point of death and then slowly and painfully publicly executed by crucifixion as a common criminal. We can go to Him with our burdens knowing that He understands.

At the Refuge, people learn that our identity is not defined by traumatic events or suffering but is grounded in Christ. We are not victims. Instead we are God’s children. The scriptures teach that as children of God, we were chosen before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless, adopted sons and daughters, lavished with grace, redeemed, forgiven, given spiritual wisdom and understanding and sealed with the Holy Spirit. Tragedy and life circumstances do not define us. Instead, we have His very life living within us. He is a personal God who is holding your hand and walking with you every day, even in times of suffering.

Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So, let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing. (James 1:2-4)

If you need to talk to someone, we are here, ready to talk to you, pray with you and walk with you. Call 772-770-4424 today to set up an appointment.

In His Grip,
Cheryl Deal, LMFT Director of Counseling Services


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