

Our Hope is Him

Monday, November 30, 2020

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Have you wondered where God has been during 2020? Our country has experienced a tremendous amount of turmoil from COVID-19, business and school shut-downs, isolation, riots, fires, 28 tropical storms, an impeachment trial, and a heated election. And yet, God is still Sovereign; He is still actively at work all around us. Jesus said, “In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).

When the world around us seems to be falling apart, we can remember the prophet Jeremiah. In the middle of a brutal attack upon Jerusalem he exclaimed, “The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. ‘The LORD is my portion,’ says my soul, ‘therefore I will hope in Him.’” (Lamentations 3:22-24).

At the Women’s Refuge our hope is in God, and we have experienced His faithfulness. Despite the COVID restrictions and shutdowns, He continued to minister in and through us. In fact, the Women’s Refuge has grown and continues to impact lives:

• Two women graduated from our Nine Month program.
• One woman graduated from our Two-Year Discipleship program.
• Twelve women have entered the residential program since we reopened in July.
• Our community counseling services continued virtually and via phone and is now being used by women across the country. Our office recently re-opened for in-person counseling.
• We developed a Women’s Refuge Online program for women unable to participate in our residential program.
• Our staff continued to receive additional training to improve our ability to minister to others.
• Support groups continued to meet virtually online and have recently re-opened for in-person participation.

Your support of the Refuge has helped restore marriages like this: “I came to the Refuge seeking peace. I have received clarity from God about the process of reconciliation with my husband. I don’t feel pressured. I feel peace. My husband and I are both changing and growing, and I have new hope for the future together.” -- Ministry Leader in Florida.
Your support helped people become free from the bondage of pleasing people instead of God: “My goal was to learn about codependency and learn skills to correct it. Instead, I found my love, acceptance, security and worth in my Heavenly Father which has drawn me away from seeking these things from others. Galatians 1:10 helped me gain healing: “Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.” – Realtor in Canada.

And your support is helping women minister to others: “I want to tell you that these truths I finally learned and received in my heart have made me a new person on the field. Instead of trying to race around, please people, meet everyone’s needs except my own and be a savior for everyone, I am FINALLY LEARNING to rest in the Lord and let Him work through me! I am really walking a brand new walk in ministry this time around. Life is enjoyable and I am not living on the edge anymore! – Missionary serving in Germany.

Additionally, through your contributions, our scholarship fund has helped many women participate in our residential program and receive weekly counseling. Many times, I have spoken to women in need of emotional or spiritual help who never thought they could get counseling because of financial concerns. When I offer them a counseling scholarship, they are shocked to learn help is available to them and express tears of joy because now they have hope.

God is at work! He is faithful! And He lavishes love, forgiveness, grace and mercy upon us! May we continue to turn to Him during these times of uncertainty, and trust in Him.

A sojourner with you,

Cheryl Deal, LMFT
Director of Counseling Services


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