

From heartache to healing

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Comments: 1

Suffering, rejection and heartache are typically a part of life. For me, the pain of rejection began when I was very young, growing up in a broken home. I was a newborn when my father left me. He and my mother split up early on. It didn’t take long before my mother got involved in another damaging relationship – this one lasted 16 years. With abuse being the core foundation in our home – the hurts continued verbally, physically and emotionally
for years. It was as if a plague was chasing our family because later in life I learned my mother, too, was abused physically and mentally.

I can relate to many of the women who come to the Refuge. They have a foundation that is built on heartaches, suffering and disappointments. Often those experiences have crippled their ability to love, trust and believe in others. They struggle with feelings of unworthiness that make it difficult for them to establish healthy personal relationships. Many times they bury the pain of suffering and end up covering it up with one failed relationship after another. Eventually, they become overwhelmed with unforgiveness which leads to bitterness and resentment.

At the Women’s Refuge, the women who come to the program learn about God’s love for them and begin to surrender. They learn what Jesus meant when He said, “pick up your cross and follow Me”. It’s a daily decision.

Luke 9:23 Then He said to them all: “Whoever wants to be My disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow Me.”

Certainly, the COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine have provided a time for reflection and spiritual renewal.
It’s given the Refuge an opportunity to develop an online program for women who are unable to come into our residential program. We are very excited about this new opportunity to reach women all over the world who struggle with mental, emotional or spiritual woundedness.

The residential program will reopen this month in accordance with the recommended CDC guidelines.

Don’t let another day go by. You, too, can
experience God’s freedom today!

Call (772) 770-4424 and learn how.

In His Grace, Brenda Sposato


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